
Submit/Contact | The Groovy Galleon

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All submissions should go to “mark silver media at proton mail dot com”. Here are a few Groovy Galleon-related things you can submit to that email address:

Submit your tunes to the archive

Do you make music? Is it groovy? Is it freely licensed? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then consider submitting your tunes to the Groovy Galleon track archive. Seriously, show me what you’ve got; I always love getting a taste of something new. Are you interested? Here’s a few more things to consider before emailing me with your tune:

Podcast Interview?

If you are a musician/band & would like for me to interview you on the podcast, please email me with “Podcast Interview” in the subject line & a sample of your music in the message body, & I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Submit music for me to review

I’m not the guru of finding hip alternative tunes to review for the Groovy Galleon Podcast. As a matter of personal preference, I go out of my way to find new music, but I can’t find everything. If you’ve heard an album from an artist/band that I’m probably not aware of, shoot me an email & I’d totally be willing to check them out. Some of my favorite tunes are ones that I’ve came across by complete accident or ones that friends have asked me to check out, so suggestions are totally welcome. Here’s a few more things to consider:

Submit your feedback

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions/whatnot about the track archive or the podcast, hit me up via email. I’d love to hear your thoughts. :)